Get down to business

First and foremost, you are probably wondering where I got the name “Bidness Talk”. For the longest time my best friend and I were interested in creating a podcast with our entire friend group. Like most friend groups, we thought we were the funniest people we knew. We were born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii so our slang and pronunciation were a bit different. If you have ever spoke to someone who spoke “pigeon” or “Hawaiian-Creole english” you’ll notice that the word “three” sounds like “tree”. So for us, “Business” kind of sounded like “Bidness”. With that being said, we decided that if we ever started this podcast the that would be the name of it. However, since we were both in college on opposite ends of the country at that time we never deployed our podcast let alone knew where we would post it. Like most young adults, life gets in the way and our schedules never aligned. Maybe one day when we actually get a podcast started I can post it here and have everyone else be the judge of it.

Now that I got that out the way, let me really introduce myself. My name is Tyra, and as I mentioned before I am from Honolulu. Typically, when you envision someone from Hawaii you think of Hula, Surfing, Palm Trees, and anything tropical. These weren’t always my case. Although this culture is embedded in me, I found my interests to expand beyond it. Growing up I was part of a Bowling family. At least 2-3 times a week you could find me in the bowling (that is still the case today). Unlike the typical beach goer, my family spent majority of our time in the bowling alley. Through this sport I was able to obtain a scholarship to bowl for a University in Tennessee where I got my Bachelors Degree in Conservation Biology. I really wanted to study marine biology so this was the best opportunity for me. At first it was nice that I was able to get a scholarship, play the sport I love, and study something I have always dreamed of since living on the islands. This was not the case… Wild life in Tennessee compared to Hawaii is no joke. It was completely different than what I had imagined, like these animals can actually f*ck you up, most reptiles are poisonous, turtles snap, ticks bite and so much more. This lead me to realize that I am so much better in the lab than I am in the field. From there I changed my major to Software Development in hopes I could find something that would align with my lab skills and my tech skills. I was able to obtain my Masters Degree in Software Development about 2 months ago and still trying to figure life out. The difference in these two degree for me was that one taught me more about job interviews in its study than the other. I knew I wanted to be able to look back and not have any regrets in my career choice. I am glad I was able to make that switch. It taught me that life is constantly changing and starting over isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes I feel bad for myself for not sticking out something I once dreamed of (not only in my studies) but realized later it wasn’t something for me.


My Everyday Life