Happy 4 (Almost)

Almost four months into my gym journey, and while the progress has been slow, I’m incredibly proud of my consistency and the changes I’m seeing in myself. I look better, feel better, and have more energy throughout my day. It’s been a transformation not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

There’s something powerful about looking back and realizing how far you’ve come. I couldn’t have made it this far without consistency, but more importantly, without the motivation and support from my friends. Progress has been slow, but it’s steady—and it’s exactly what I needed.

For those of you unsure of when to start your own journey, my advice is simple: do it when you’re ready. I knew I needed to get back into the gym, but I also knew I wasn’t in the right mindset to stay consistent at the time. Once I fully committed and was in the right headspace, everything changed. That commitment reignited my passion and drove me forward.

I’ll admit, in the beginning, I was disappointed with how much I was lifting. I had been stronger before, and it was hard not to compare myself to my past. But as I began to see progress—slowly increasing the weights I could handle—I got pumped. It wasn’t just about the numbers; it was about seeing and feeling the difference. It motivated me to keep pushing forward.

When people say “consistency is key,” they’re not wrong, but I’ve learned it’s only part of the equation. Without motivation, consistency becomes difficult. If you’re struggling to find that drive, lean into things that inspire you. For me, that means reading the Bible, talking to loved ones, and being open with my friends about how I feel. It’s about being my authentic self and staying true to what drives me.

I’m genuinely so happy with where I’m at now. The changes may be small, and this is only the beginning, but I’m already loving myself more because of this journey.


Vegas Baby