Overcoming procrastination and laziness

When I started to dedicate every other day to writing a blog, I found myself running out of creative ideas. I try to make these posts funny, amusing, relatable, or anything that people can enjoy. Overall, it is mostly for me to be able to journal and channel my thoughts throughout my life and make a story of it. Not like my life is interesting. Every day is the same routine. Wake up, go to work, come home, and play games. In between, I like to cook and watch whatever show I am watching. On weekends is where my life gets more interesting but what about on lazy weekends where I have nothing going on and I can relax? It is kinda weird because throughout the week my body is in work mode and doesn’t understand to take a break, like I always need to be doing something. I don’t know if I am just lazy or have writer’s block. It's like your brain's gone on vacation without telling you, leaving behind a 'Gone Fishing' sign in Comic Sans. I try all the classic remedies. I stare at the screen until my eyeballs feel like they will stage a mutiny. I drink enough tea to single-handedly keep Colombia's economy afloat and get sidetracked so much like I don’t have dishes waiting to be done and a carpet ready for the vacuum. Here are some ways I try to overcome procrastinating and keep myself going:

  1. Set hilariously low goals: Instead of aiming for the stars, set goals that are so low, that they're practically underground. "Today, I will reach my 10,000 step goal and start by taking out the trash”. Maybe." Celebrate your achievements with a victory shot (if you’re 21 years of age), preferably while still in your pajamas.

  2. Create a procrastination playlist: Compile a playlist of your favorite procrastination anthems. From "Pink Friday Girls" to "Greedy". The least you could do for yourself is feel like a hot girl while doing grown-up shit. Let the power of music fuel your procrastination journey.

  3. Channel your inner sloth: Embrace your inner sloth and make laziness an art form. Take a nap, perfect the art of the power lounge, and master the skill of staring into space with profound intensity. You just worked all week, get the reset you so desperately desire, and give your body a break.

  4. Create a procrastination shrine: Dedicate a corner of your room to the holy trinity of procrastination: snacks, comfy pillows, and your favorite distractions. Light candles from bath and body and let the scent fill the room. Nah doesn’t need to be bath and body, they mad expensive these days but I got mine on sale so sorry if you missed that…

  5. Make some food: You can’t work on an empty stomach. I find food to be one of the things that make me happy. If I am looking forward to some pho or ramen, you know damn well I am gonna make it. Try to avoid eating a big hearty breakfast or lunch because then you’ll just fatigue yourself and not want to do anything more than you already don’t.

I have come to the end of these steps and all I can think of is how short this blog might be. Its alright, most of you read on your phones anyway so it will look a lot longer there. Thanks for reading, I have to go charge the battery on my vacuum now. It’s chordless.


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